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el orador resaltó la contribución del difunto a la ciencia

  • 1 resaltar

    1 to highlight.
    Ella destaca sus logros She highlights his achievements.
    2 to stand out.
    3 to stick out (en edificios) (balcón).
    4 to project out, to stand out, to jut out, to project.
    La cornisa sobresale mucho The cornice juts out too much.
    5 to flatter.
    * * *
    1 (sobresalir) to project, jut out
    2 figurado (distinguirse) to stand out (de, from)
    1 to highlight, stress, emphasize
    hacer resaltar to emphasize, stress, highlight
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VI
    1) (=destacarse) to stand out

    hacer resaltar algo — to set sth off; (fig) to highlight sth

    2) (=sobresalir) to jut out, project
    VT (=destacar) to highlight
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) (sobresalir, destacarse) to stand out

    hacer resaltar< color> to bring out; <importancia/necesidad> to highlight, stress

    resaltar vt <cualidad/rasgo> to highlight; <importancia/necesidad> to highlight, stress
    * * *
    = bring into + focus, bring out, conspicuousness, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], enhance, highlight, stress, underscore, illuminate, accentuate, heighten, play up, attract + attention, stand out, foreground, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, point up, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, make + a point of + Gerundio, point to, make + Reflexivo + conspicuous, flag + Nombre + up, celebrate, stand + proud.
    Ex. The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.
    Ex. These should be used to speed up our processing, but the important thing is that we bring out the essential parts of a work and give all the possible entries to identify the work.
    Ex. One of the most cited shortcomings of mobile advice centres, that their conspicuousness deters people from using them, does not seem to have been a problem.
    Ex. Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex. An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex. In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex. However, it must be stressed that these problems are still in the future.
    Ex. All I wanted to underscore with these four horror stories is that the judicious, discretionary assignment of added entries can either powerfully inhibit or promote access to the documents.
    Ex. This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex. However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.
    Ex. Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex. A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex. A few minutes spent with teacher and pupils talking about books conversationally in a by-the-way fashion serves the double purpose of preparing the right set of mind for reading while at the same time attracting attention to books that might be enjoyed.
    Ex. Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex. His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex. Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex. Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex. As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex. This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex. This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex. This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex. The obvious first line of defence is for librarians, agents and journal publishers to join forces to point up the decline in library provision.
    Ex. This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex. The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex. Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex. In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex. Reference librarians shouldy make a point of constantly reminding themselves that serving these needs is what they are doing.
    Ex. This article points to economically feasible and communication-based indexing methods which fit the potentials of current information technology.
    Ex. Even so, birds must balance the benefits of flashy feathers with the risks of making themselves conspicuous to sharp-eyed predators.
    Ex. If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex. Were we to allow ourselves to be enticed by it, we should be celebrating our Bicentennial by a return to the pre-Panizzi days in cataloging.
    Ex. Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * es de resaltar que = significantly.
    * hacer resaltar = set off.
    * hacer resaltar las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * instrumento para resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * resaltar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * resaltar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * resaltar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * resaltar la necesidad = stress + the need.
    * resaltar la necesidad de = imprint + the need for.
    * resaltar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) (sobresalir, destacarse) to stand out

    hacer resaltar< color> to bring out; <importancia/necesidad> to highlight, stress

    resaltar vt <cualidad/rasgo> to highlight; <importancia/necesidad> to highlight, stress
    * * *
    = bring into + focus, bring out, conspicuousness, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], enhance, highlight, stress, underscore, illuminate, accentuate, heighten, play up, attract + attention, stand out, foreground, be to the fore, bring to + the fore, come to + the fore, give + highlights, spotlight, bring to + the forefront, point up, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, have + high profile, bring + attention to, make + a point of + Gerundio, point to, make + Reflexivo + conspicuous, flag + Nombre + up, celebrate, stand + proud.

    Ex: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

    Ex: These should be used to speed up our processing, but the important thing is that we bring out the essential parts of a work and give all the possible entries to identify the work.
    Ex: One of the most cited shortcomings of mobile advice centres, that their conspicuousness deters people from using them, does not seem to have been a problem.
    Ex: Analytical cataloguing aims to emphasise the content of documents, rather than relying entirely upon cataloguing whole works.
    Ex: An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex: In each case the object of the discussion will be to highlight what appear to be the significant aspects, particularly those concerning the background which affect the nature of the scheme.
    Ex: However, it must be stressed that these problems are still in the future.
    Ex: All I wanted to underscore with these four horror stories is that the judicious, discretionary assignment of added entries can either powerfully inhibit or promote access to the documents.
    Ex: This appraisal attempts to illuminate aspects of Irish library history omitted from international reference works.
    Ex: However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.
    Ex: Automated support services have heightened the sense of interdependency between libraries and vendors.
    Ex: A long-standing but unfortunate tradition plays up antagonism between those librarians who become catalogers and those who opt for reference or public service.
    Ex: A few minutes spent with teacher and pupils talking about books conversationally in a by-the-way fashion serves the double purpose of preparing the right set of mind for reading while at the same time attracting attention to books that might be enjoyed.
    Ex: Three national library catalogues stand out as highly important sources of general bibliography.
    Ex: His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.
    Ex: Those countries which were already to the fore in science and technology certainly faced problems in the handling of information.
    Ex: Installation of new computer terminals may bring the problem to the fore.
    Ex: As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
    Ex: This article gives highlights of a trade show on the applications of optical information systems in publishing organised by Learned Information and held in New York City, 15-17 Oct 86.
    Ex: This article spotlights the role that authority files play in promoting uniformity of cataloguing practice.
    Ex: This theft of valuable letters and documents brings to the forefront, once again, the question of collection security in the nation's archives.
    Ex: The obvious first line of defence is for librarians, agents and journal publishers to join forces to point up the decline in library provision.
    Ex: This article pesents an interview with George Cunningham who sees his role as creating a high profile for the library profession and fostering a love of books.
    Ex: The course gives information technology a very high profile.
    Ex: Before the launch of Penguin Books India in 1987, trade publishing in English in India did not have the high profile in bookstores it has today..
    Ex: In crisp, economical prose, the journal calmly brought attention to the nooks and crannies, and absurdities of university life, concerning itself with both the idiosyncratic and the profound.
    Ex: Reference librarians shouldy make a point of constantly reminding themselves that serving these needs is what they are doing.
    Ex: This article points to economically feasible and communication-based indexing methods which fit the potentials of current information technology.
    Ex: Even so, birds must balance the benefits of flashy feathers with the risks of making themselves conspicuous to sharp-eyed predators.
    Ex: If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.
    Ex: Were we to allow ourselves to be enticed by it, we should be celebrating our Bicentennial by a return to the pre-Panizzi days in cataloging.
    Ex: Even now, hundreds of years after his death, his timepieces stand proud in historic buildings around the world.
    * es de resaltar que = significantly.
    * hacer resaltar = set off.
    * hacer resaltar las mejores cualidades de = bring out + the best in.
    * instrumento para resaltar = spotlight.
    * modo de resaltar = spotlight.
    * resaltar con mucho sobre = stand out + head and shoulders (above/over), be head and shoulder (above/over).
    * resaltar la importancia = underscore + importance.
    * resaltar la importancia de = stress + the importance of, emphasise + the importance of, highlight + the importance of.
    * resaltar la necesidad = stress + the need.
    * resaltar la necesidad de = imprint + the need for.
    * resaltar lo que Uno quiere decir = drive + home + Posesivo + point.

    * * *
    resaltar [A1 ]
    A (sobresalir, destacarse) to stand out
    resaltaban sus grandes ojos negros the most striking thing about her was her big dark eyes
    hacer resaltar ‹color› to bring out;
    ‹importancia/necesidad› to highlight, stress, emphasize
    ■ resaltar
    ‹cualidad/rasgo› to highlight; ‹importancia/necesidad› to highlight, stress, emphasize
    quiso resaltar que … he wanted to stress o emphasize (the fact) that …
    * * *


    resaltar ( conjugate resaltar) verbo intransitivo (sobresalir, destacarse) to stand out;

    importancia/necesidad to highlight, stress
    verbo transitivo ‹cualidad/importancia/necesidad to highlight
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (destacar) to stand out: resalta entre sus amigos por su sensatez, he stands out from his friends because of his good sense
    2 (en una construcción) to project, jut out: la nueva torre resalta entre las casas bajas, the new building stands out above the houses
    II verbo transitivo
    1 (realzar) to enhance, bring out: este vestido resalta tu figura, this dress shows off your figure
    2 (acentuar, hacer más visible) to emphasize: su inmadurez resalta la diferencia de edad, his immaturity accentuates the difference in age
    es preciso resaltar sus rasgos originales, we should stress her unusual features
    ' resaltar' also found in these entries:
    - acentuar
    - pronunciar
    - sobresalir
    - set off
    - show off
    - show up
    - stick out
    - accentuate
    - bring
    - set
    - show
    - stand
    - stick
    * * *
    1. [destacar] to stand out;
    resalta en el equipo por su velocidad he stands out as one of the fastest players in the team
    2. [en edificios] [cornisa, ventana] to stick out
    [destacar] to highlight;
    hacer resaltar algo to emphasize sth, to stress sth;
    el orador resaltó la contribución del difunto a la ciencia the speaker highlighted the contribution to science made by the deceased
    * * *
    I v/t highlight, stress
    II v/i ARQUI jut out; fig
    stand out
    * * *
    1) sobresalir: to stand out
    hacer resaltar : to bring out, to highlight
    : to stress, to emphasize
    * * *
    1. (sobresalir) to stand out [pt. & pp. stood]
    2. (hacer destacar) to bring out [pt. & pp. brought]
    3. (subrayar) to stress

    Spanish-English dictionary > resaltar

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